So What It's The New Year?

See the excitement?

After all, it's a new year. 
*raises my hands and shouts Yayyyy*

*sits down calmly*
*rubs my palms together*
Okay now let's get back to being real.
It's a new year, people. 

We all got through 2021 anyhow and here the next one comes too. So what's the plan? New resolutions? New beginnings? 
I really would have said about all that but know what? chuck it
So what it's a new year? it's still the same as yesterday.
My heart still feels the same things as it was feeling yesterday and it's not any better than yesterday, or maybe it is, or maybe it's just the same and let's not say that today is even worse.
So what it's the new year? it's still the same old life. 
In the pile of mistakes, writing 2021 and then overwriting 2 over that 1 is gonna be another mistake for a few days or weeks, depends.
So what it's the new year? it's still the same me with the same damn heart.

So let's not put a paper cover of resolutions on our wet hearts. Paper will eventually get weak and then would shed.
What are we gonna do then, if not make new resolutions?
play games? hehe
*reminds myself that this is me writing for adults and for gonna-be-adults-soon*
*back to being normal human mode*

The very first thing I want to tell you is: how your year is going to go does not depend on this first day, okay?
unless your first day is going good

We all have been there, I guess? Waking up early on the 1st of January, taking a bath and doing all those things which we want us to do in the whole year. Because we all have heard our parents --sometimes, friends too-- "this is how you're gonna spend your year? get up; it's the first day of new year".
But we're not kids anymore, right? So, we can always be in our blankets till afternoon, not take a bath if we don't feel to (definitely not giving you ideas here) and maybe cry ourselves to sleep --only if we want to.
i am writing this correct, right? i get a feeling that it's not the positive start you were looking for; lemme try again

It's a new year, people. 
Happy New Year, People. A very happy new year. Happy 2022.
i did too much in this one, i guess? maybe

Okay, enough of it.
Till now, what did I do, do you see? 
except for giving you ideas and being sarcastic

I didn't force you to get into that positive mood. Because you don't have to if you're not feeling it; you don't have to be cheerful just because it's 1st day of January. 
And you definitely don't have to make resolutions that you know are going to slip under the door of your uncompleted tasks. I just saved you from the regret or guilt of not fulfilling your resolutions if you --by chance-- remember them at the end of the week or month --if you're really in the mood of resolutions this year
Saved you. See?
yeah, you're welcome

What else did I do?
I talked to you about how you still feel the same as you were feeling yesterday. I acknowledged the fact that you ain't a machine that would get into a fresh routine just because you updated it on a particular date. You're a human being --with that intolerable heart-- and you ain't going to reset all your habits just because the year numbered as twenty-one ended.

I told you that you can choose --choose, yes-- to spend this day as you wish to. There's no point in doing all the things perfectly just because it's the start of a new year. 

Why do we always have to celebrate the beginnings? What happens after the start gets done with? Where does all that enthusiasm go in the second month; let's not even talk about where does it go during the rest of the year; on which planet did it go this time? 'cause it wasn't on Earth with you, for sure.
Why does the middle of the year not matter?
And, it's not just years, it's about everything.
Celebrate just the starting of the year. Just the peak points of a relationship. Just the birthdays and anniversaries of things. And you? oh, when exactly do you celebrate things about yourself?
oh, yes, you're busy, ain't you?

After all, who would do such stupid things like putting efforts in celebrating your own self?
you don't do stupid stuff, right?

You can celebrate-
wait, scratch that
You must celebrate who you are today. You haven't walked on rose petals to this point --and we both know it. You know what you've been through and you know you're handling yourself now too. Celebrate that you're YOU. 

Oh, ain't you happy with who you are? 
Then, darling, either work to accept things about you and be happy with who you are or work towards the achievement of the new you who you'd be happy to see.

Oh, things ain't in your hands?
Can't argue with that. I believe you on that, okay? But. There has to be something which is still in your hands; you gotta find it. You have to try your best and the hardest, to find what you still have in your hands. And the moment you get it, you'd know what to do next. 

You can't just sit crying in a corner of a messed up room and wait for it to be cleaned up. 
Either get up and clean it up yourself --take help, that's an option too-- or get out of that room and start from a clean room, i.e., a fresh start.

And what's the right time to do it? 
Five minutes past "when you want to", sounds like the right time to me.
does it, to you?

Why five minutes after, though?
Because you need some time to celebrate the fact that you're ready to do something for yourself now.
You've got it, okay?

Take resolutions if you want to. Get up early, do exercises, take bath, do your scheduled things at the exact timings you're supposed to, write poems, scream, listen to music, do rigorous workout, read books, watch movies and series, scribble on a notebook, recreate your playlist, sort your phone, create scary art, start a new course, talk to them, spit out the sour truth to their face, learn to say no, clean your room, know about history, scroll through your Pinterest, write a letter, fix your broken toy also known as heart, say less sorry, be calmer, go to bed early. 

So, that's what I want to say to you. You don't need to feel the pressure of today's date or the new beginning. You can have your beginning tomorrow or next week. Just know, whenever you're gonna start, you gotta believe in yourself and celebrate at every single step.

Finally, here you go:
Happy New Year, darling.
And, smileeeeee, because, so what it's the new year? you still got a perfect smile.

~Miss V


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