
Showing posts from April, 2022

How Does It Feel To Be An Empath?

Hellooooo, people. I've been wanting to bleed my heart out in poetry and as usual, I've been resisting. Because dark poetries and I are a deadly combination that the universe wouldn't be able to grasp. So I resist. blame it on universe 'cause why not? Today's write up is important. Not so much for you, unless empathy means something to you. This write-up is an attempt from my side to make you understand what an empath like me feels like. Emotion researchers generally define empathy as the ability to sense other people's emotions, coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling. Difference between sympathy and empathy? Google says, "Sympathy involves understanding from your own perspective. Empathy involves putting yourself in the other person's shoes and understanding WHY they may have these particular feelings." In my words, if someone is telling you about their heart-shattering due to some xyz reason, then if y

After All, Life Is Fair Or Unfair?

Hellooooo, people. Today’s topic is difficult. Difficult is an understatement; it’s heart-wrenching. First of all, I've got a complaint to whoever makes decisions for all of us, who has the control of things for which we say "it wasn’t in our hands", who decides who lives & who dies and to whoever is responsible for what wasn’t supposed to happen; not to that specific person. My complaint can be summed up in just one question: Why is it so unfair? All of this? To the person who asked me to write upon this: here, i put your exact words you said when you asked me to write upon this topic; ‘cause these texts were so full of feelings that it rang my heart the way a hammer rings a bell. The echoes of your words are still surrounding me and the feelings in your words reached me.   A lot of people might feel that nobody can understand what they’re feeling when they hear about someone’s death. To all those people, I do. I feel you all. I’m an empath to an extreme level, of c

Is It Love Or Attachment?

"Maybe the problem with love these days is that someone says they love you, and you just wonder how long for." ~ J.L. Johnson Hellooooo, people.  I especially collected a few quotes for this write-up today. Because  gawd  today's topic is the question that has hit all of us at some point and quotes misguide you if you don't get them well. Not just quotes, any words can create chaos inside you if you don't understand them; be it the words of authors, your lover, your enemy or even a stranger. Haven't we all asked or been asked these questions? Is It Love? Or Just An Infatuation? An Attachment? Or The Beginning Of Meeting Your Soulmate? Before answering, let's just talk about why do we even question this? Why can't we just be in that love or attraction or whatever it is? Because experiences, darling. You don't want to get hurt. You just want to be cautious about where are you giving your time and if it's right to prioritize them over the things w