Would You Listen To Me Anyway?
Trigger Warning: Mention of cut on skin. "We demand closure as though our lives were put together as neatly as novels, but the fact of the matter is, they're not. In real life, relationships are messy and poorly written, ending too early or too late, and sometimes, in the middle of a sentence." ~Beau Taplin, Neatly As Novels I'm in a mood to just write something for you. Oh, wait. Scratch that. I'm in a mood to just write something for myself . I'll write. And you'll read. Not for solutions. Not for knowing if someone understands your problems. Not for any intentional advices. Not something motivational either. You might not find any of these but sometimes you find solutions in the places which you're visiting with no intention of finding something. You just roam in the places which doesn't guarantee you the presence of what you're looking for and boom, you find something you didn't even know you needed. I'll not say that I don't ...