
Showing posts from September, 2021

Would You Listen To Me Anyway?

Trigger Warning:  Mention of cut on skin.  "We demand closure as though our lives were put together as neatly as novels, but the fact of the matter is, they're not. In real life, relationships are messy and poorly written, ending too early or too late, and sometimes, in the middle of a sentence." ~Beau Taplin, Neatly As Novels I'm in a mood to just write something for you. Oh, wait. Scratch that. I'm in a mood to just write something for myself . I'll write. And you'll read. Not for solutions. Not for knowing if someone understands your problems. Not for any intentional advices. Not something motivational either. You might not find any of these but sometimes you find solutions in the places which you're visiting with no intention of finding something. You just roam in the places which doesn't guarantee you the presence of what you're looking for and boom, you find something you didn't even know you needed. I'll not say that I don't

Why Is Choosing So Difficult?

Have you ever been in a position when you had to, or wait, let me reframe, do you remember the time when you had to choose between things? Whether you want this for yourself or that ? Would it be better or not? How would things be if you go with this leaving that behind? How would things turn out for others if you choose this and how would they be for you if you choose that ?  This decision of choosing varies from choosing an ice-cream flavour on a menu to wearing an outfit on your special day; from choosing the college you're going to, to choosing to stay with that person or let go. If you remember the moment of making that decision, you surely remember about how difficult it was. The number of times you had considered all the factors, the way you'd doubt if you're missing out something which you should include in the factors, the way you were wondering about whether to take advice of this person, the way you were confused if your feelings are clouding your judgement o

Does Their Care Ruin You?

Do you ever have one of those moments when you're at the verge of crying and someone asks you genuinely, what happened and the boundary of your tears break and slips out from your eyes? Or maybe a moment where you've had a bad day and at the end of it, you ain't looking for solution but just someone to speak to and someone asks lovingly, how're you or how was your day? Or maybe, after a few bad days continuously, you've had a good day because of someone's mere presence and you feel, OhMyGawd this person is wow, finally a good idea in all this mess because of 'their' company ? Or maybe, whenever you've a bad mood and this specific person always asks you, listens to you, tries to help you and if they can't help or do anything about the problem, they just stay with you. To let you know you ain't alone? Whenever someone does this for you time to time, have you ever had the feeling that you're being ruined because of their love, care and tend

Which Part Of You Defines You?

Let's see, where to start this one from. Let me take you exactly through the thought-process I went through to come up with this topic.  It's just a single-line thought really but you wouldn't understand it the way I do if you didn't go through this journey of thoughts. Here. Travel on this train with me. No need of seatbelts. not because you won't need any, it's because trains don't have any It might be a burning train, just so you know. Just joking.  I'll save you before myself, don't worry. And, yes, obviously I'll save both of us if it would be possible. puts my hand towards you to hold Come, let's go.  Let me tell you a story.  not a real one There was this girl, Sophia. She fell in love with someone she shouldn't have, if she didn't want any heartaches. She thought it might be okay after sometime. She would have her feelings under control. She felt she would be able to console herself as well as her lover when it would be the ti