Which Part Of You Defines You?

Let's see, where to start this one from. Let me take you exactly through the thought-process I went through to come up with this topic. It's just a single-line thought really but you wouldn't understand it the way I do if you didn't go through this journey of thoughts.
Here. Travel on this train with me. No need of seatbelts.
not because you won't need any, it's because trains don't have any

It might be a burning train, just so you know. Just joking. 
I'll save you before myself, don't worry. And, yes, obviously I'll save both of us if it would be possible.

puts my hand towards you to hold
Come, let's go. 

Let me tell you a story. 
not a real one

There was this girl, Sophia. She fell in love with someone she shouldn't have, if she didn't want any heartaches. She thought it might be okay after sometime. She would have her feelings under control. She felt she would be able to console herself as well as her lover when it would be the time to end; time to stop loving each other or even unlove, if possible. She convinced herself that it would just be till this her self defined point that she'd allow her actions to grow, and anything that falls after that point would be something where her skills of holding back would be tested; whether she could hold herself back or did she go closer to the fire, aka, her lover?

After sometime, she realised that while testing her control on holding back, she was getting successful. She could always hold herself back whenever anything fell outside her limits but what she didn't realise was that she had shifted the point closer to the fire. The area inside her limits was bigger now but the boundaries were near the fire. But is that something you can notice while you're indulged in love 'within' boundaries? You don't get to see at which height you're at if you're standing on top with your eyes closed. 
Her lover is fire for some reasons; reasons she isn't ready to tell at this very point of story

They were happy and Sophia had almost forgotten that she's loving heartache in the form of a person. She knew it in the back of her mind but somehow her heart managed to be the barrier between her eyes and her brain. It doesn't look possible in physical terms; we all know the exact locations of these parts in our bodies but then was this fire ever physical? 

One day, Soph-
she's ready to tell you why her lover is fire for her; shh
One day, Sophia was talking to her lover while she felt her fiancé overheard her. That was the moment she realised her lover is like that forbidden fruit which grows in the areas out of her reach.
If she tried escaping out, she-
she doesn't complete the sentence with words, ever
but her tears do, always

She realised she can't stay happy if the part craving fire stays with her. But the part of her which is hungry for the forbidden fruit, for her lover, for the glowing fire is what she defines herself by. She couldn't cross the boundaries but neither can she give her fire-desiring piece of her heart to someone who is willing to love her more than himself; he might not be able to control the fire she urges for. And in case if she decides to teach him the rules of fire, she's afraid that while she breaths freely in the fire, he would lose his breath and in the process, he as well as his love for her would die.

What could she do? 
Sophia was dying in this dilemma. 

What if she hides this part from him? It won't hurt him if he doesn't ever get to know. But, would it be fair to hide your defining and most important part from someone who's willing to give you more than themselves?

Let's see another option
What if she reveals about this part to him and also tells him that she doesn't crave the fire and even if she does, she can fight the urge? Could she ask after telling this if they both can continue their lives together as he wants to, with her? 
First, can she really fight the urge? Probably. But if she could, it wouldn't be the part 'defining' her.
Second, could it be considered a romantic proposal that she's willing to give up her defining part and her utmost craving for him? 
Probably. He might feel special. But at his lowest, he might get this thought: I couldn't give her the fire she desired. I couldn't be the person she would be her real self with. She would always have an urge to fight. She is just breathing --not living-- without her fire just so 'I' can breathe and stay alive with her love.
just a single realisation can break people and this so-called romantic proposal could give many such

What could Sophia do then?
She could give herself up completely to her fiancé after delivering this letter to her lover:
"Dearest fire,
You're the best fire I could ever have. The first and the only one. You're the forbidden fruit in their eyes but you're the one who could satisfy my insatiable hunger. You're the fire they all feared but I love you enough to burn in you. So here, I'm keeping the defining part of myself with this letter; the part you loved the most in me and the part you're the first love of. I won't let it have any other lover 'cause it's not going to stay with me anymore. Here, keep this with you. I'd have to love someone who I'm destined to. I ain't as lucky as this part of myself because it's this part who belongs to you, not me. It belonged to you darling, and always will.
This piece is loved most by you but did I ever tell you that I love it even more? It doesn't live in me; I live in it and it might appear that I'm giving you this lil' piece of me to keep but I'm actually giving my whole self captured in this lil' piece. I Love You. Keep this not just close but IN the fire --in you-- so that I burn my entire life. For you. Within you. Outside my boundaries. Outside the place where I couldn't have you. Inside the place where you have me and I'll melt in the ashes you leave behind.
If you could slit my throat, I would let you because that would mean I took my last breath touching you. 
I urge for the fire you are. I crave 'you' which only a piece of me could get. Keep it safe inside you and let it burn till death do us part.
Still craving to be

And here comes the single-line thought this journey would have its stop at
If you're in dilemma of choosing this or that, give yourself completely to whatever you can --or wish to-- give yourself to. The other thing can have you too, completely. Just don't expect it to be the same you.

Sophia delivered her defining part of herself to her lover outside the boundaries and let some other part of her define herself. It's us who decide what will define us. It's you who declare a specific part of yourself the most important part. It's her who kept her piece of heart in fire to burn for her lover. We decide which part of us leaves and which stays with us. And it's again our rules according to which we arrange the pieces of ourselves in the order of their importance to us.

Now, she could love him with all her parts --including the part that 'now' defines her-- and be her real self for him who deserves to be loved too, completely.

~Miss V


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