What If You Understand More?

Here I am, again.

You know, I feel a lot of things in a day, as you all do too. You feel and either continue feeling it or get over it. 
Me? I feel it and I store it. I store it in my own way that whenever I've to feel it again, I just have to open that container I kept it in and it's there again. 

I've saved a hell lot of feelings. Few to keep hidden, just for myself. Rest for different purposes.
One of the purposes of keeping feelings is to write about them.

Sometimes, it's like: I feel something and I know I can say a lot about it. And because there's nobody to listen really, I save the feeling and write it down here, because you listen. You read.
thankyou for listening or to be precise, for reading

I've saved a lot of feelings to write about. And everytime you read a blog, it's not about the saved feeling. It's always the new one. It's like: I'm feeling THIS right now and I feel it too strongly to save it, so I'll just go and write.
And the saved feelings just remain where they are.
I wonder if they'll ever be the topic of my write-ups.
they will, I know, I just ain't sure about when

Even now, I scrolled through a lot of my saved stuff. But, you know? I'm sticked to something which I haven't saved yet. And again, I'm gonna speak about what's in me at this moment. 
There really is so much to say. The saved ones, the unsaved ones, the ones I keep running from and the new ones I've right now in me.
so so much to say, i swear

What I'm feeling right now is-
okay, how do i say it in one line?

Basically, it's the writer inside me, who's feeling so much. Remember I told you how writers hide themselves? In the stories they write, in the characters they make, in the flavour of ice-creams, in the songs they mention, in the tone of dialogues, in the way they want to be loved?

It's very possible that you're reading the most beautiful part of a write-up but the effort it took to write it made their soul bleed.
It's very possible that you're reading the most violent things you could ever think of but they wrote it without shedding even a single drop of tear.

I want to tell you more about these things so whenever you read a book or scroll through a write-up or watch a movie or see a painting, you could understand it better.
It's not necessary, yes. You don't need to understand more than what the story wants to tell you, yes. But, if you try to see it better, you might love better, I feel.
i don't know how to make sense of that to you; but it surely does make sense to me, a lot

You know how it's difficult to choose and you also know how writers hide themselves. Let me tell you the point where these two things overlap.

Imagine this:-
You want to write a story. Or let's just say, want to imagine a story --in case you'll say you can't write-- what would you need for a story?
Characters? A place? 
Let's just keep it till here. Not even to the story line.
You've the characters, okay? Two, three, any number. You'll have a name in your mind for each? If you don't, you'll find. The point is you'll name them, right?

Here's the thing now. How do you name your characters? How do writers do?
They've to choose names which ain't related to their best memories and neither to their worst. If they choose the names from their best memories, they might have a lot of moments in the story where the character needs to do something bad but because the writer is so attached to their name --the best name-- they can't make the character do anything bad. They'll always be overpowered by the need of making that character the best because in the writer's mind, the name this character has is the best one and they want it to be the best for the readers too. 

That's where the phrase "Kill Your Darlings" come.
It's one of the biggest advices for the writers. 

The advice "Kill Your Darlings" asks the writers to do what the story demands. If a particular character needs to go from the story, let them go. Don't hold on to them like you hold your loved ones --your darlings. If a character needs to die, then kill them. If you've a character as your personal favourite in the story, you'll make their life the best and that's where the story would go unrealistic. Because we all know how good life is, don't we? 
thankyou for understanding the sarcasm in "good"

And if you've a character with a name that triggers your trauma, then first thing, how are you going to think what happens to the character, if you'll be consumed with your trauma that gets triggered by that name?

So, while naming the characters, writers have to keep in mind that they're making a neutral character so that they can actually make characters do what they're supposed to do in the story. The story which the writer was so keen on telling.
That's how they choose and that's how they hide their best and worst memories by eliminating the names of the characters and places. 

The names you read in the stories say a lot but the names which couldn't enter in the stories just because the writer eliminated it, say a lot too.
Similarly for the places, writers have to keep in mind how the place came to their mind, how much does it affect them.

And, let me make sense of this for you, too.
"if you try to see it better, you might love better, I feel."

Look. You all have seen in stories that the love partners understand each other so well. They understand almost everything what's said by another and even the things which are left unsaid. Even if your lover ain't artist in terms of writing, drawing, singing, etc.; they're artist in loving you. Loving is an art. 

When you love someone, it's not just about the things you say and do. It's also about what you don't say and don't do. 
It's about eye contact which involves no words but you still understand if they're okay or not, just by that one look in their eyes. That understanding is love.

When you understand art more than it's allowing you to, you really get it how much it was there to understand from what you saw or listened in a moment.
You start understanding more. 
And again, you've seen in movies and books, how messed up love gets when someone understands less than what's being said or done.

And no, I'm not saying that you always need to understand more than what's being said. People need to communicate. You can't just assume that the other person will understand just because they've a good understanding. 
Communicate. Speak. Listen.

What I'm saying is: When you acknowledge the fact that there's more to know in every moment you spend, you focus more on what's in front of your eyes at the moment. You become less careless. You start paying more attention.
When you'll want to know more than they said, you'll always listen to what and how much they actually said. That's what makes you a good listener. And when it's done well with a particular person, that's what makes you a good lover.

Love demands you to see, speak and listen. The moment you stop any of these, you mess it up.
And, because you're listening to me, there's a little love between us too, yes?
hehe, not every love is romantic, shh

Thankyou, Love.
For listening. For reading.

Oh and, about my saved feelings? We'll see about that. 
And now that I've said there's a little love between us --you and me. I can't go without saying: Hey, smile darling. Take care, Okay?

~Miss V


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