What Matters To You The Most?

Hello, people.
okay, no, wait, lemme do it again

Helloooooooo, people.

Straight to the point today:
I have a question. 
nothing new, right?
can't help it; i've so many

The question is: how do some stories --be it in movies or books or anywhere-- feel slow and few feel so interesting and attractive in just five minutes?
How do you know reading the first page of a book or watching trailer of a movie that you want to know more about the story?

And, now, I KNOW I said I have 'a' question but can't help it. Here's another one too:-
While you're in the middle of a story --reading or watching-- you sometimes feel that it's going very slow, don't you?
if something interesting is going on, you don't care about speed, you're immersed in the story and not how it's narrated to you

What's the difference between these types? 
One in which you feel it's slow, another you don't question on.
One which pulls you into the story, another you just put down in just a little time.
One you keep procrastinating knowing about, another you compromise your sleep for.
One that gets replaced by mere scrolling your feed, another you leave your social gatherings for.

The answer is:
You care about the people. About the characters that are introduced to you.
lemme explain

While reading a book, let's say, you feel attracted neither to the flowers described in the pot, nor to the weather but how the character is feeling at this moment. If you relate on any level, you continue and the more you get to know their backstory, how they feel on certain things, what's important to them, what's stopping them from getting their happy life, the more you want to know about them.

When you watch a movie, if you're shown the environment in which the protagonist lives, in way too much detail you're gonna want to either stop watching or move it forward, why? Because you want to know how do all these details matter to the protagonist? You don't care if the protagonist is looking at a cactus or some exotic flowers until you know they love cactus or those exotic flowers were given to them by someone special.

When you're told a story, the narrative feels slow when you're waiting for the protagonist to deal with the fear they've been running from and the story is stucked in the description of how beautiful the street looks.

You're pulled into a story in just one chapter because the character feels real. They feel real because they too have fears and desires. If you relate to them, you want to know everything that happens to them, from them going on a world tour to buying groceries from a nearby shop.

Now, being said that, here's the point.
You're interested in the things when they matter to you or someone you care about. The stories that you like or love or re-watch/re-read are so because you care about the character. Even though you know they're not real, even though you know this is just an actor playing a scene, you care about them. You laugh with them, you cry with them. You feel everything they go through.

If life feels slow, you know the logic now. You feel that what's happening to you doesn't matter. You're waiting for something which is getting late or even if it's on time, the time hasn't come yet. Whatever is happening to you right now matters, okay?
The moment you figure it out, you'll start caring about yourself.

Think of the very slow scenes you've ever watched/read. You continued with the story even if it was going very slow. Why?
Because they matter.
If you feel life is going slow, just analyse and try to understand how does it matter. Everything matters, okay? You matter. Everything involving you, matters.

If you want a break from things, take it. If you're looking for peace, find some; gotta find that, it's not gonna knock on your door by itself.

Break being said, I wanna tell you that you're gonna read the next blog at the end of November and then on New Year. So, December is gonna be a break period for these blogs. 
Why? Because I do it everytime; not the taking break thing but telling people to take breaks when they need it.
intentional use of 'need' instead of 'want'

So this time, for the first time(?), I'm gonna take a break from writing blogs. This December. 
probably every December?

Just to prove my point that when you need break, you should take it, okay?
You matter to yourself more than anything else does. You matter to yourself the most. So, darling, take care, okay?
And no, this isn't the last blog for this year. You're gonna see me once again before break.
I'm still available for you to talk or to take topics. Suggest me some topics you'd like me to speak on, on unwindingheart@gmail.com

And just to emphasize on the fact that you matter to yourself so damn much, here's a quote for you:
"You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love."
~Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook

I love talking to you all here. Through my words. 
when i say 'love', i mean 'loveeeee'

This break is going to remind me that I'm not writing blogs for you --which has become important to me-- then I should do some other important thing. Just remind yourself in your break time why did you take this break? What do you want to achieve? What important things are you going to stop doing for a while for doing this even more important thing: taking care of yourself?

There's another piece of write-up you're gonna see in a week. And because I told you about this break thing --difficult for me to tell-- I'm gonna tell you the title for the next one right now, that is, "Is It Okay To Feel This?"

Now, have some water. Do some feel-good things and just take care of yourself, okay?
And not to forget to do this:
Smileeeee, darling. 

~Miss V


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