Ain't You Such A Library?

Helloooooo, people.
I just read all the comments of my blogs. The way you love my write-ups.
i do read them at the same moment you post, i just checked all of them in one go right now

I noticed that you loved the posts the most where I typed out a theory of mine. I remember being nervous about it. I remember questioning myself: would people even want to know how I see things? You all are such darlings.
blows a flying kiss
hey, catch

I remember being worried about if it would even make sense to you and if you'd be able to understand it the way I do. But you all did and appreciated me so much on the theory as well as my writing. So, I've decided to tell you another theory of mine.

Starting from scratch.
Google says, theory is "an idea used to account for a situation or justify a course of action".
It's originated from my mind. If you find an error in my theory, do let me know. If you agree, ain't you such a darling?

Previous theory was about how I think writers hide themselves in their writings.
Title of this theory: How Did You Know?
That's what I get asked whenever I know something --their liking, their choice, their next question or anything of the sort-- without someone telling those to me.

You do it too --subconsciously. Have you ever given a present to someone? You go to a shop and look for the things and even when they haven't told you they'd like the yellow bracelet or blue one, you decide for them. They didn't tell you but you knew.
Another example: You receive presents and sometimes just looking at the present you can tell who might have given it to you before even reading the note with it.
Another example: You want to decide something as a yes or no and you're confused with what should you do. So, you go to two or three people to take advice. Most of the times, you know if they'd yes or no, but you still ask them and that's for knowing the reason of their yes or no.
You know a lot of times what the other person would choose but if you're asked to explain why did they make a specific choice, you find it difficult to put into words. Why?

Here. The theory.
I wanna tell you why it's difficult to put into words even when you know the answer.

Imagine a library. The shelves in it. The board on them for classification. The number of stacks. The amount of books in various categories. The order in which they're arranged. The size of the library. The way of stacking the books. The priorities with which everything is arranged.

Now, let's use the library as a metaphor for a human being.
going in the same order as above
Imagine a person. The feelings in them. The names of all the feelings. The number of times they act on them. The frequency of them feeling something. The order in which they're most likely to feel when they're in a certain situation. The width band of all their feelings. The way they react and do things while feeling specific something. The priorities they give to their various feelings.

If you've spent a lot of time in a library, you wouldn't find it hard if someone asked you to suggest them a type of book. You'd know which part of library has that shelf where these particular books would be arranged. You can point them in the direction but not put your finger on the book in a minute unless you walk them to the exact point. 

Similarly, when you find a person you know very well in a particular situation, you know how would they react. You can not just not know. You're going to guess; and the accuracy of your guess is directly proportional to the level of your understanding of that person.

What about the time when you know a person and you still can't seem to guess their next step? That's because you're not supposed to know every corner of a library even if you've spent years in there. There are going to be shelves you haven't been through --either because the subject isn't of your interest or that area is restricted-- but it isn't your fault.
You can't blame yourself for not having a particular interest. Either you have it or develop it in time --if inspired.
If you ain't able to guess someone's actions or even how they're feeling, don't guilt-trip yourself. It's not necessary to know everything about a person even if you know them for years. It's possible for you to not know few --or most-- parts of someone. Either because you didn't know that was important or existed even OR because they didn't let you. Not everyone wants to show their demons to everyone.

And don't you dare question their love or trust for you. If you don't know an important part of someone, it might be because they didn't want you to see them struggling for words while being in pain of reliving in telling you the terrible stories of their life. Don't measure people's love by how much they know you or how much they let you know. It's not there. The measure of their love is in their actions. Is it too difficult for you to believe that a person can love going to a library --a specific human being-- without knowing all the shelves in it? 

You can love a place before even knowing it. Haven't you heard of love at first sight? You know you want to go to see all the shelves just because you either like the view or the feeling it gives you. Haven't you ever felt "I want to know this person"?

To answer the question: if you're asked to explain why did someone make a specific choice which you'd already guessed, you find it difficult to put into words. Why?
Because you know the person. You know what their priority feelings are. You know the shelves --feelings-- they go regularly to and the ones they refrain from. You can point the person asking towards the direction of the shelf but you can't put your finger on it. Apparently, feelings are abstract noun.
a noun denoting an idea, quality, or state rather than a concrete object
Even if you did put your finger on the exact book on the exact shelf, the other person wouldn't be able to see it unless they walk the whole way from the entrance to the exact book, i.e., know the person the same way you do.

Just a lil' thing I didn't answer before, here:
Whenever someone asks me How Did I Know?
I end up saying, Because I know You.

~Miss V


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