Everything Is So Filled With Feelings

The way everything is filled with feelings, I just can not get over it. Ever.

Helloooooo, people.
I was reading a novel to annotate it for a friend --doing it for the first time
(Special Hello to you; you who is going to get this annotated novel by me)

I'll not get into the details of what ways I'm annotating it, because, you know, it's a secret.
(yeah, surprise for you, miss)

While I was writing a comment on one of the lines, a thought hit me, which became the inspiration for this write-up.
The thought was, how just a few words on a paper written by one person for another become so special. How they ain't just curved lines in form of letters. They're so much more than that.

Just think about it. You're given a book in which someone wrote what they felt on a particular line, underlined the lines they liked, made hearts and smileys at places and legit kept a part of themselves in the book for you to see. Like, DAMN.
If you don't relate to the book stuff, let me give you another example.

Suppose, a person around you says a specific word a little too much and whenever you hear that word from a stranger, it reminds you of them. That word has become special to you. Even if the word is "normal".

Another example: you're searching for something in your house (or just in your belongings) and you find something that you were given by someone when you were a kid, it stirs memories in you. 
And on top of all that, not just nostalgia or deja vu. But, a specific feeling. That feeling is of a particular kind.
If that friend had been good to you, you hold that thing a second longer and if they haven't been nice to you, it gives you an uneasy feeling.
Things are filled with feelings, yes. But, a hell lot of different types of them. Like, wow.

What do you think of the feeling a sword might give to a warrior? 
Can't name it? Me neither.
Because you can't generalise it. The feeling one warrior might feel doesn't necessarily have to match with the other warrior.

I'm just so fascinated by the fact that one sword can make a warrior feel proud because their father won numerous fights with it and the same sword can make a warrior feel hatred on seeing it because it's their family members who were slaughtered by it.

Even the things you haven't ever encountered can make you feel things.
Ain't we supposed to feel because we have a memory of it? But no. We feel very strong emotions even with unfamiliar things and places too.
Suppose you never had been to a place and now, you're finally going to go. That place could remind you of a person who has never been there, isn't that like magic?

I don't think I'll ever get over the fact that everything could be turned so dull if somebody took the feelings out of all the things.
It's so scary thinking about that.
The way we keep the belongings of our loved ones who passed away would mean nothing. And, we could throw away the things just like that.

Considering everything is so filled with feelings. People too.
So, an even scarier thought is: getting feelings out of us. Out of people.
You would feel no connection to anybody. You wouldn't know how does it feel to love or to be loved. 

In a world where things and people couldn't be filled with feelings, our hearts would just be pumping blood and just that. 
Our mind would think only rationally. There wouldn't be any movies where a person fights the whole world just to save a single person because that can only be done if you love someone. But, if you don't know what love is, there are only going to be rational and practical decisions. You'll let the person die because yeah, why worry?
We wouldn't even hate anybody. 
i still don't but, that's another thing

We wouldn't have any stories where the villain plans to kill the hero. 
We would just wake up, work like machines, eat up to fill our batteries, go to sleep and repeat the next day.
We wouldn't crave to meet our close ones because how would we be even connected with each other? Paperwork?

Considering the way we all are exhausted of feeling like we're stuck in the same place for a long time, few of us do wish not to feel anything anymore. A few think that they've achieved that, except they haven't. They too feel something when they go to their bed and shut their eyes. 
Nobody has reached that stage where we wouldn't feel anything.
And, believe it or not. It's better to feel the worst than to feel nothing.
been there, done that
seen people, learnt that
(hehe, the second line is mine)

You gotta feel things, darling, otherwise how are you going to know that you're loved?
If you say, the only things you feel most of the time make you upset, then, darling, know that you might be at the bottom of the graph, it's gonna reach its peak where it all gets better.
It keeps getting better until you take care of yourself. The moment you stop taking care of yourself, it goes down.

When I say take care of yourself, it doesn't mean just having good food and good sleep.
Taking care of yourself means don't do things you know you'll regret, forgive yourself for the things you didn't know would result in this way, stay away from people you know you shouldn't be close to, love yourself for having this feelings-filled-heart.
and also, have good food and good sleep, on time

I'm gonna go fascinating over the novel I'm annotating or say, over the fact that I'm willingly keeping a part of myself in it.
Take careeee, honey.
in the way I just explained

~Miss V


  1. This is so beautifully penned. Each line carries a message and fact to think upon. Loved this one! ❤

  2. Damn damn damn 💞 This is just so beautiful 😭


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