It Wasn't Mine Yet It Hurts

I really wanna start this with the F word --the one rhymes with duck?-- because, ugh. 
Lemme tell you. I was writing something –a write-up, okay? At a different place than I usually write at. Why? Well, that was the topic I was about to speak on. But. F. 
That draft is gone. I hadn’t written it full. And there were a lot of chances that I wouldn’t have continued it. I was having second thoughts on posting it because it got left in middle and I, unfortunately, look for perfectionism and show you only those write-ups which I wrote without any distractions. 
Even though, I wouldn’t have completed it, I’m so pissed at it being gone. It’s not like I would continue it if I get it back but. Why. Did. It. Have. To. GO. AWAY? 
*takes a deep breath* 

Okay, Hello, people. 
Wait, no. 
*takes a deep breath again* 

Yes, now ready. Hellooooo, people. 
I haven’t been writing for sometime but still managing to keep up with the deadlines. So, today’s topic. Guess? Of course whatever the title says. 

Losing an incomplete write-up, which I didn’t even want to complete, reminded me of something. Someone asked me to write on this topic, so here. Let’s get on with it. 
Why do things going away which don’t even belong to us hurt? Why do we get upset when someone, who we didn’t even want to be with, leave? Why do things, which we didn’t even spend time with, make an empty place in our heart when they leave? How do we feel a bond breaking when it never existed at the first place? 
i’ve absolutely no idea but, let’s see what my fingers type till the end 
sometimes, it’s not my mind, not even my heart that answer, it’s just a flow that takes me till the end

I need to find an answer too. 
Let’s start from the first point that we can pick up. When we lose a thing or a person, it hurts. Why? Because, we either loved them or they were our habit. 
What if we loved them but didn’t want to be with them 24*7, then why does it hurt, if they leave? According to me, it’s because, irrespective of how much we deny, we do love ourselves. Sometimes, we love people and we want them to stay with us but they don’t stay with us the way we want. They stay and hurt us unknowingly. We don’t want them to stay 24*7 with us but when they leave, it still hurts, because we wanted them for sometime at least. And we loved them for that some-time. 
makes sense?
i hope so

Next. What about the hurt caused by those, who didn’t even belong to us, leave? 
Let’s first ponder over, how do we say, they don’t belong to us? From our perspective or theirs? Or some third person's? 
Take one by one. 
Suppose, it’s I, you and they. 
Scenario I: We’re together but you belong to someone else. I know you don’t belong to me
If you leave, it will hurt me because I’ll have memories of us, where it felt like you belonged to me. Now, your absence and the realization that you never belonged to me, both hurt. 

Scenario II: We’re together. I know I don’t belong to you. I know we’re not meant to be because I can’t be with you
If you leave, it is going to hurt me because there was something in my heart which kept you and me together even after knowing I didn’t belong to you. It hurts because you’re hurting too. Most probably because of me. After all, it’s not your fault that I didn’t belong to you but you felt I did.

Scenario III: We both belong to each other. We can’t be together because it isn’t our time. 
If you leave now, it’s gonna hurt like hell. We both belonged to each other. That was supposed to be enough but it wasn’t because situations didn’t cooperate. It hurts more because we don’t have anyone to blame it on. We’re hurting even when it wasn’t our fault and all we did was to belong to each other. 

Last question for now:- What about the hurt caused by absence of someone with whom you never even shared a single moment? There weren’t any memories of you being with them. You knew there’s no belonging. Then, why does that hurt? 
Because, darling, it’s not necessarily have to be the memories that hurt. It’s the longing. You waited for the moment when you would finally have some memories. You wanted to find out if you belong to them or not. What hurts are mainly two things: the wait and the curiosity of whether this someone would want to be with you or not. 

I really hope all the hurt in the world ignore you and you become a magnet for all the happiness. But, if it doesn’t feel like it. Just know, someone --me and your admirers-- really hope that you’d get the very least hurt and the maximum happiness you could get. 
This is achievable, darling. Just keep smiling and know you’re loved. Even if you don’t feel it in this moment. 

~Miss V


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