
Showing posts from May, 2022

Are We Trapped By Our Minds?

Hellooooo, people. "When you're born in a burning house, you think the whole world is on fire. But it's not." ~ Richard Kadrey,  Aloha from Hell   First of all, how much beauty people put in their sentences is one of the things I can't stop appreciating.  look at this quote, damn Let's talk about this quote. There are a lot of ways people grasp a certain line. I'll tell you mine for this one. What I thought of after reading this quote is: When we're in a terrible situation, we tend to stop looking the other way around. If your house is burning, what are you supposed to do? Look for how to extinguish the fire, maybe. Or run for the exit. Or if the door is closed, try to break it. Or if it doesn't get opened still, call out for help through the window. You can think of ten more solutions in this moment. But, when we would actually be in a burning house, we would run out of options. We don't have as many solutions in that moment as we would have r

Why Am I Not Doing What I Want To?

Hellooooo, people. Have you ever said that you'd exercise and you just have to start it this Monday but Friday comes and you're like: Next Monday, for sure? Have you been in a situation where you know it in your heart that if you don't do this particular thing for atleast two hours a day, it's gonna create a lot of mess in near future? But, you still don't seem to take out those two hours, even when you're not so busy? Do you have anything in your mind right now that you know you should have been doing for these many days but you just ain't? A possible answer? Your reason isn't strong enough to lit a fire inside you. This is one of those few write-ups which got its title before I said Hello. That's rare. As always, I thought I didn't have anything to write on but as usual, I realised I had a lot and I just couldn't pick one. Because of that and a few other reasons, I was delaying this write-up but apparently my image of being consistent with

Let Me Answer A Few Questions

Hellooooo, people. I've been searching for a topic to write on, for more than two days. I thought I didn't have it until now. What happened now? I just realised I didn't have one topic to write on; I had many. i myself didn't know this yet I've so much in myself right now that I could pour it out in ten different write-ups and I'd still have a lot to say. from here, this write-up has gone in so many directions but i backspaced every single time and this is the only thing i wanna say right now I'm scared of pouring it all out. Things I've in me right now either bleed out of my wounds or mess me up inside even more. I ain't ready to do either. I've had a lot of realisations lately and I'm just so scared of my own damn self. I'm craving for all the things no one should be craving for. Really.  i mean that "should" a lil' too much This write-up is going to be a question answer session. I've received a lot of questions so, he