Why Am I Not Doing What I Want To?

Hellooooo, people.
Have you ever said that you'd exercise and you just have to start it this Monday but Friday comes and you're like: Next Monday, for sure?

Have you been in a situation where you know it in your heart that if you don't do this particular thing for atleast two hours a day, it's gonna create a lot of mess in near future? But, you still don't seem to take out those two hours, even when you're not so busy?

Do you have anything in your mind right now that you know you should have been doing for these many days but you just ain't?

A possible answer? Your reason isn't strong enough to lit a fire inside you.

This is one of those few write-ups which got its title before I said Hello. That's rare.
As always, I thought I didn't have anything to write on but as usual, I realised I had a lot and I just couldn't pick one.
Because of that and a few other reasons, I was delaying this write-up but apparently my image of being consistent with these write-ups is more important for me. So, here I am. Writing.

I've been delaying this write-up but I'm going to post it in time, why? Because my excuses of not writing are weaker than my image of being consistent in your eyes.
Let's work on why and how can we get ourselves to do the things which we want to or we think we should do.

Reason number one, as stated above, is your reason isn't strong enough. The reason why you want to do it should be clear in your head; clear enough that your brain can make you get up from bed even if your body doesn't want to.
You might haven't cleaned your shelves for weeks even though you're getting irritated on seeing it. But, if your crush wanted to come to your room tomorrow, the second thing you'll do in your room is cleaning the shelves.
first being: dancing with happiness?

Solution? Find a reason which you don't have to 'search' for. Ask yourself if the reason is associated with you or your loved ones or something that you think you should do because everyone like you (in terms of age, career, job, etc.) is doing it and/or is advised to do it.
You can keep your reason of doing things as you like it.
i won't give you the lecture of "do it for yourself and not for someone else" here; you can keep your reason whatever you want it to be
The motive for it is to be strong enough to get you out of bed and motivate you from inside.

Another reason is probably the fear of not doing it right. You ain't doing what you want to because the memories of failure in your brain are whispering you things which are nothing but excuses. What if you won't do it right? What if you don't have enough speed as a beginner should have? What if your set goal isn't sufficient? What if it hampers your identity? 
and so on

Solution? You gotta speak up to yourself that you're going to do it, despite the whispered excuses. Make your voice louder than the whispers. Turn your head towards that clear image of why you want to do it. So what if you're slow in the beginning? Practice will make you better. So what if your set goal feels insufficient? The goal is set by you, change it and make it sufficient as you start picking up the pace. So what if you won't do it right? You can learn from the wrong attempts. So what if it hampers your identity? Your identity is what you think you are. If the things you want to do make you a better person, then getting those things done won't 'hamper' your identity, rather it would enhance it for better.

Another possible reason? You ain't focused enough.
You're determined to do hardwork. You've a clear reason and a well-set goal. You're louder than your whispered excuses. You've finally reached stage one of your to-do-list.
But, it's not getting done! You are neither slow nor in a wrong direction but it's just not happening.
'cause you're not focused.

This isn't the place where you blame yourself for not being able to focus but the stage where you sort yourself a little. Deal with the things which are flying into your head disturbing the smooth flow of your peace and focus. If you choose escape from your distracting thoughts, they might come back with greater strength later. The most important and feasible solution is to deal with your distractions.

If that's not possible for some xyz reason, find a way to keep them aside. You've worked hard to set a goal, found a reason, formulated a work plan and now you're gonna sit back because the flow of focus in your head isn't smooth? Doesn't sound fair. Neither for you nor for your goal and reason.
Some or the other day, you're gonna have to fight the distracting thoughts in your mind. You've a goal to accomplish and that can be a reason for doing so. 
If you delay, clearing up your head would have to become the goal someday and finding a reason for doing it is going to require a hell lot of courage.

I really hope you get your goals set and find a reason strong enough to make you do them without giving in to the excuses. The process might look very much difficult in the beginning but you have to start climbing the mountain someday, if you aim to reach higher than where you already are.

Smileeeeeee, darling. You've the courage and strength to do anything and everything you desire.
All the best, honey. 

~Miss V


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