When Days Feel Like Storms

Hellooooo, people.
At this point of writing these blogs, I guess, I can tell you the type of blog it is. Not the topic --you've already read it in the title-- but the type like:-
It's the i don't know what is this gonna be about type, or,
i know exactly where i'm taking this type, or,
i wanna pour my heart type, or,
let's wrap this write-up in love type.

This one is the type: i wanna put a write-up you didn't know you wanted/needed to read.

Let's begin.
Good morning, people. You wake up with a spectrum of feelings; them depending upon the time you woke up, the feeling you slept with, the day you've had yesterday, the moments you're gonna have.
Getting up from bed, sometimes is effortless and sometimes --saying it with a heavy sigh-- terrible.
Going where you're going --either outside home or back at your bed-- sometimes feels exciting and sometimes boring.

You get to another part of the day where you've forgotten how much you wanted to sleep in the morning and you can't get your mind off your to-do list. You've a lot on your plate already, you've achieved some of that but satisfaction? Where is it? Why isn't it upto the mark you've set for yourself? 

Somewhere trying to search your productivity, you get side tracked by the emotions you've been feeling lately. And the funny or weird or --your chosen adjective-- or interesting thing is: these emotions arise through anything. The food you're having, the way it is packed, the chair you're sitting on, the notebook you're writing on, the song that a passing stranger plays, a particular word your acquaintance just used, the notification sound someone phone has, the haircut you see in a movie, the book you just saw a review of. 
Literally anything can arise literally any emotion, you never know.
and don't you dare challenge universe in this matter; 'cause it can make you cry profusely in your supposedly happy moments and it can keep you in places you never even imagined to be in

Moving further in the day, you take up a little pressure upon yourself, either telling yourself that you could do better or you want to be even better. Every moment that passes towards the night, your body starts to want rest, despite you sitting all day or dancing in a party the whole evening. 

Somewhere along the day, you remember the things you didn't do, people you missed talking to, the promise to self for not procrastinating anymore, the habit you thought you're close to leaving. 
Towards the end of the evening, your feelings take a backseat and you focus --or try to focus-- on the physical fatigue you have. You now remember the urge you had to go back to bed this morning, how good it felt to be in your sheets/blankets, to have a pillow to rest your head on --and another to hug, too, for some-- and the way you just wanna lie down.
i'm telling you, writing all this just gave me the feels you feel after a stressful day, that's how powerful writing in itself is
it makes you feel things, irrespective of the fact whether you're the reader or the writer themselves 

And then.
Then comes the time of the day you've waited for. Time for your relief, your bliss, your peace, your happiness. 
Now, not everybody is 'happy' to go back to bed, but at the end of the day, everybody wants to get the feeling they associate with their peace.
Not everybody goes straight to bed, some people choose to do something else before sleeping.
A chat with someone, listen to the music, scroll through their feed, clear the phone memory, stare at a picture for some reason, set alarms and reminders, have a conversation with their favorite person and so on.

We choose to do some things either because we want to do them or because we're tired of resisting the urge to do them. Either because we're told to do so or because we're told strictly not to.
Some days, we fall asleep with the things we choose to do before sleeping and on others, we let our minds wander.
this takes courage; if you do that, let me tell you, you're so brave

"And once the storm is over, you won't remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won't ever be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won't be the same person who walked in. That's what this storm is all about."
~Haruki Murakami, Kafka On The Shore

Putting this quote for you in this write-up to remind you that whatever feelings you're going with to your sleep, what moments the next day holds for you, whatever you missed doing, whatever you say to yourself; despite all of that, you gotta remember that everything that's happening is changing you.
For good or for bad, that's what YOU have to do on your part.

It doesn't necessarily have to be for good. You can choose between changing for good or for bad, but what matters is: Are you happy with the changes you're developing? 
Some other things that might matter: Are the changes in you hurting the people around you? Is it affecting the people you love? Does it bother you? Are you changing with the pace you want to change?

This quote hit deep, --'cause really-- there's nothing you remember more intensely about a storm than how badly it has affected you.
Hope all your storms do things to you which are good for you.
Hope you realise those things that happened were actually good for you.

Smileeeee, darling; 'cause you're so much more stronger than any storm universe sets you in.

~Miss V


  1. The title sets the mood as if for a settling darkness. It's amazing how you transitioned to hope at the end <3


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