Do We Know Our Normal?

Hellooooo, people.

Today's topic is the word incomplete.
yes, i made a whole topic out of that single word

Let's just take a moment to simply breathe. Inhale. Hold. Five, four, three, two, one. Exhale.
hasn't it been a long time since you took a minute just to breathe?
I had the last three days very unproductive. Didn't do anything at all even though I had a long list of the things I had to.
This is the night of the third day. I just spent a good long minute to analyze how many works I've to do and one of the realizations is: everything in this list is something I'd started and was left incomplete due to some xyz reason.
There's not even a single thing which needed a fresh start.
no idea whether you relate to this or not

Another realization is: this list is more or less same as it was a week before or even a month before. 
It just hit me that even if the situations of my life went in different directions, I still have the more or less same/similar things to do. 
I can give you a metaphor for that. An year with festivals. 
You have a normal schedule according to which you spend your daily life. Whenever a festival comes, you dress up, do things differently than the normal schedule and get back to the normal. When an incident takes place, you act accordingly, and get back to the normal routine.

Do we all have a normal schedule even when we're put in different scenarios of life? 
Do we all have a set of certain qualities of ourselves even when we're with different people?
Do we all behave a certain way when we're in different timelines of the same bond?
Do we all crave the normalcy of our lives after some time irrespective of the feelings we've been swirling in?

"Whatever the world looks like now. That's not always how it's going to look. There's more. There's always more."
~Patrick Ness, More Than This

Next thought which I'd like to bring up is: How many people know our normal? How do we decide if we want to let this person know our normal or not? Does this have to do with the type of the person they are or the type of bond we have with them? Or both?
And the most important question in this thought is: Do we ourselves know our normal? At every stage of life? Or the image of it gets blurry and clear time to time?
If we forget our normal version, our normal schedule, our normal behaviour, our normal thought process, would we be incomplete or absolutely nothing?
If we are incomplete, then, how exactly would the remaining of us look?

"I think hell is something you carry around you, not somewhere you go."
~Neil Gaiman

Another thought is: If we don't know our normal, would we be able to define our extremes? Would we know how far are we from the edge? How long would it take for us to fall off the edge?
And, if we can not define our normal and our extremes, then would it be possible for us to define our demons?
Would we have any idea about how does our hell look like?

I can give you an example here, for a better understanding of this question.
Consider the two types of people: people who don't like oily food and the ones who don't like salads.
Now, they both know their extremes would be if they don't get oily food (or salads) for a whole week.
If you'd wanna punish a type one person, you'd force them to have oily food on a daily basis. And that would be their hell.
But this wouldn't be the hell for type two person 'cause they're okay with it. Rather, it would be pleasant for them as they won't get to have salads.

We could define someone's pleasures and punishments by knowing what their normal is. 
if you'd say it's about their likes and dislikes then, just know that i'm talking about normal; 'cause our normal is defined by so many things including those things
i'm using kind of an umbrella term here

Coming back to from where we started. Our normal routine has a certain way of everything. 
If we take, for example, our to do list, it appears almost similar for months.
We procrastinate, not because we can't complete those tasks but because they start appearing boring. 
Whenever we're bored, what do we say? What do we look for?
Something new. Something exciting.
That's because we get bored of our normalcy. 
But, it's time that you convince yourself that boring is good. Without boring, you'd have new things always.

Now, this may appear fascinating to have something new.
But, having something new "always" might not be fascinating as much as you think it would be.
example? restaurant food is fun, right? but having it every single day for all the three meals? sounds fun? i don't think so

Our normal completes us. Our normal satisfies us whenever we're in the blur of overwhelming feelings.
don't you crave the simplest food of your home, after full-on wedding seasons?
that satisfaction is what i'm talking about

I don't know whether you feel the intensity of having a normal space, the importance of having a boring routine and the depth of being aware of your normal version.
But if you do feel it, then you gotta tell yourself you're lucky to have all of it. Even if it appears small or little.
These not-so-little little things are the things that give us the sense of completion.
example of such things? exchanging smile with a stranger on a rough day, a friend asking about your whereabouts while you're too busy to post on social media, your dad hugging you, your partner expressing their love for you, an acquaintance telling you that a song reminded them of you and so on

Hope you appreciate the normalcy of everything around you, including yourself.
Hope you know you're normal and yet so unique and precious.

'cause after all, our normal is defined by so many things including our likes and dislikes

~Miss V


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