Confused Mixture Of Creativity And Love

Hellooooo, people.
This is the kind of blog which comes under the category i-know-what-i-am-going-to-write-about type.
Before that, it's 4k+ views on this Unwinding Heart blog. So, congratulations to y'all and me. 
ofcourse, i'll congratulate you, afterall it's you who read
special thanks to the people who come back to my write-ups 'cause they've their 'favourites' here

The thought I've come up with, has been revolving in my head for more than weeks now and I've absolutely no idea if it's just a rare one or you all have thought about it some or the other time.
There is a quote which goes along the lines that if an artist falls in love with you, they make you immortal. Through their art.
I second to that. I've already made a few people immortal in my art and probably in your eyes too.
still too many to make

Has anyone ever thought about the person who becomes immortal?
From their point of view?
I was thinking about that. And, damn. The way I've a lot of things to say on this.

First thing. How does it feel?
If it's one sided love from artist, then they'd make you immortal and you wouldn't even know it, so that's case one.
But, in case two is that you know about the artist's love, how does it feel? 
If you like the artist, you appreciate the efforts they've put for you to form a cloud of their art around you that they can either give to you or show the world.
Case three.
If you LOVE the artist, as deeply as they do.
ah, this is the dream of many

This person, let's say, is a HIM. Let's say the artist is a HER. 
just to make the sentences easier; two they-s can get confusing

They love each other. She writes something for him (let's just take the art as writing here; can be drawing, singing, anything). The moment she would show her write-up to him is going to be special whether it's planned or unplanned. The way his heart would fall in love with her even more is a treat to imagine. The way she's going to read his every expression at every single line and listen to even his silences between lines is such an experience really.

Now, what I came up with, after thinking about this is:
What if this person (he) is/becomes paranoid (due to some xyz reason, take it as an intense heartbreak here, for example)?
Suppose he has gone through a very unpleasant breakup, after sharing an extremely pleasant relationship.

Taking the possibility that he meets this new girl now (this writer-she) and falls in love with her. With her personality.
She makes him forget about every bad experience he had had in the previous relationship. They're finally at a very good stage.

She writes a poem for him. And, from the poem or from some outside sources, he gets triggered. He gets his paranoia feeling back --not that it really goes away.

Would he start doubting her, as in, she's a writer, right? So, she knows words well enough to convince someone of the things she would want them to be convinced of. She knows words well enough to lie perfectly without being caught; and even if she get caught, she's a writer, she is creative enough to make up a story supporting the lie she spoke.
Basically, the thought of this write-up is: How do the people who fall in love with writers believe that the words they're writing are actually their feelings and not coming out of their passion of writing?

Let me give you an example.
Suppose, I like someone and I want to write them a poem. What if I'm only capable of writing a poem which is filled with love upto the brim? What if I don't love them the way my words describe? What if I backspace the line "I can't live without you" but can't find a replacement to "I admire you as the chakur admires moon"? 
chakur is a bird which is said to be in love with the moon and to gaze at it constantly

This is the thought I'd come up with: how do I myself know that the poems I write for my lover is really my intense love or just a confused mixture of the creativity of my writing and a decent level love?

People who fall in love with the artists (gentle reminder that it's not just about writers), are considered to be lucky, because everyone feels that they're going to get a show of how much they're loved in the form of art. And, most of the people appreciate when they're expressed to.
But, don't you all ever think about that how difficult it might be for them to interpret the art? How exhausting could it be to separate the art and their lover's love in the art?

If you all are going to lawyer this up, saying, actions speak louder than words, then this is what I have to say:
They do, yes. But, who do you love more? Your parents or your life partner? Who would you die for, your brother or your best friend? Who would you kill for, your sister or your daughter?
Love doesn't have measurements but it surely does have type.

I ain't saying that it's difficult to know from the art if the artist loves them or not or loves them less or more.
What I'm saying is: How do you differentiate between the love they feel for you through their art and the creativity in their art?

Yes, you can make out if their love is platonic, romantic or sexual through art, but are these the only type?
And, let's say you're a pro in telling the difference in the types of love that ever existed and also in the types of art your lover knows.
But, is the artist aware of what type of love they feel for you? Or are they believing on the type of art they can produce for you?

If the art goes towards a particular type and they believe it to be so, then they would act like it. You act on your feelings, right?
What if your feelings are persuaded by your own art, which probably has nothing to do with the love you feel for that person but has everything to do with your feelings at the moment?

What if I'm feeling low and just want cuddles right now? What if in that moment, I write a poem about love and it comes out to be purely platonic? And considering that my lover --who hasn't yet announced their love to me-- interprets it as: that I feel only platonic love for them?
What if I write another poem imagining my lover and it comes out platonic again, when in reality I feel a lot more than that?

I've absolutely no idea if this thought is rare or you all have thought about this ever before, but I really just wanted to put it in front of your eyes that the people who fall in love with the artists might get a show of how much loved they are, but the question is: what they're really looking at is all love for 'them' or love mixed with passion of 'art'?

And, also, artists who are considered lucky to have the ability to create the type of art they produce and would be able to express their love to their SO, might not express the supreme feeling for their lover. They can love their SO and still create an art which showcases more of their own feelings and less of the feelings associated with the relationship they share with their lover.

And this:
How do the artists know that what they feel passed accurately through their art to the senses of their lover, without changing its meaning and intensity? How can you be sure, honey?

Smileeeee, darling.
*puts down my pen for a while*

~Miss V


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