Is This About You Or Everyone?

Hellooooo, people.
What's the type of this blog? Topic-not-decided-yet type.
as in, not decided at this exact moment when i'm "writing" this statement

So, here I am. Just to talk to you.
We all have been at a stage where we want someone to listen. No advices, nothing. Just a pair of ears to listen.
But, have you recently (or ever) felt like you want someone who speaks to you? Do you feel that you wanna be a listener but not to their issues but to something that revolves around YOU?

For example: If you're given a choice, right now, to choose between:-
a) Someone is going to tell you about what's going on in their life. You don't have to reply in advices or even reactions. You just have to listen and can choose to walk away at your will, without having to hurt the speaker.

b) Someone is going to tell you about things which ain't specific to their or anyone's life, for that matter. But things about feelings or moments we all deal with, in general? The happiness in little things, the dilemma in tiniest of situations, a solution to a general problem or a motivational thing that wasn't even said to motivate you. In this scenario too, you don't have to reply or react. You're not expected to start noticing the little things or start doing your pending chores. You just have to listen and can choose to walk away at your will, without having to hurt the speaker.

Now, if you're choosing the first option, you're emotionally doing good at this particular moment.
If you're choosing the second option, then the answer to the question I asked in the beginning is a yes for you.
Sometimes, we all want to be talked about, explicitly or not. To US.

"It's interesting how something that comes so easily to one person can be so impossible for someone else."
~Susane Colasanti

I'm going to write things which are just general things. You might or might not want to hear them. Hoping the end of this write-up meets with your smile. Just so it doesn't feel scattered, I'd bind the pieces by quotes.

"If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven't loved enough."
~Elif Shafak, The Forty Rules Of Love

First thing I want to tell you is that it's okay if you're not the same person as you were an year ago. It's understandable if you loved your version of 2015 much more than you love your 2023 version. It's completely okay if you're trying to run from the person you've become. 
All of this is because you've gone through enough changes that have made you so. 
If you had remained same, you'd lose the lessons you learnt. And if you, by chance, think that you didn't need to learn those lessons, let me tell you darling, you did need to.

If you hadn't learnt them then, the same mistakes would get repeated and you'd learn them later but at some point of time, you'd have had to learn those lessons. You might not be able to see it but every single thing you go through is important in making you the person you'd become proud of.
If you don't like yourself right now, keep working on yourself and sooner or later, you'll absolutely love yourself so freakin' much that it would be natural to feel that way.

"All my grief says the same thing-- this isn't how it's supposed to be. And the world laughs, hold my hope by my throat, says: but this is how it is."
~Fortesa Latifi, The Truth About Grief

Next thing I want to tell you is: You're not gonna like everything that happens around you. Few things are going to make you upset, a few more might make you even more upset. But, you can't put on your gloves and mould the situations just as you please. Sometimes --or say, most of the times-- you just have to deal with it. If you're currently in a situation which is making you uncomfortable, just please know that you're going to be okay, even if it doesn't feel so. It's going to get better. Just hold on, okay? You'll be okay, honey. You will be.
And here's one quote I read in a novel --can't remember which one. This piece of quote would most probably fit into the jigsaw puzzle of your life.

"Not all broken moral compasses are beyond repair. Some can start to work again with an ethical shake from another person. We all travel alone inside our own heads, but it is possible to navigate someone's intentions north of bad and south of wrong. People can change, they just tend to choose not to."

One more thing towards the end of this write-up. Not in the form of quotes but mine.
Darling, you have to make decisions. The ones you've been delaying. The ones you're waiting more clarity on. The ones you think you shouldn't be making because they could hurt someone you love. The ones revolving in your head but not enough to make you stop living your normal routine life.
There are a lot of decisions which you know you "have" to make. The ones which includes doing something for your own damn self.

Think about your good, honey. Get those decisions done with, because:
and here i'll insert a quote 'cause can't help it

"I waited, as if the sea could make my decision for me."
~Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

Smileeeee, darling. You deserve all the love this world has.

~Miss V


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