Have We Started Prioritizing Our Peace Yet?

Hellooooo, people.
Today's write-up is going to be for the young people, especially. But, as we, you and me, at this age as well, ain't doing as fine as we thought we would, this might be for you too. 
Let's begin with a sweet quote:-

"Night air, good conversation, and a sky full of stars can heal almost any wound."
~Beau Taplin, Remedy

We all are struggling, ain't we? Some of us less and some of us more. But, we are. What do we crave the most? A person to talk to? Someone who would just listen? Quality time with ourselves? An off-day? A few moments with someone you're missing a lot? The pending meetups you've been planning for months --or even years? 
At the end of the day, all we want is peace. 

How do you achieve that peace is the question you should be looking the answer to. It needn't be one answer. It needn't be the answer that would give you peace.
wait, what did i say? let me unwrap this layered sentence

So, suppose you're with this person who is playing that on-off play. They're there one day and vanished the other day. Reappear and vanish again. Sometimes the breaks are punctuated with the reasons/excuses of having busy schedules and sometimes by disagreements/arguments. In this scenario, if you feel you ain't at peace, you ain't at peace. Period! 
You know you ain't in peace but that person is able to make an on-off play. Why? It might sting but it's because you're allowing it. They entered your life. They went away. That wasn't in your hands, agreed. But, when they re-appear, why do you allow?
oh because it's complicated? is that so?

If you do allow them back, why are you giving them the same energy and time as you gave them earlier? Because you want them too, no?
This is the part where you need this cycle to stop. Making an exit from this on-off game is not easy --hehe, definitely not-- but this is the decision you got to take. This decision is the answer that won't give you peace but sometime after implementing the answer correctly would give you peace.

As we're talking about peace, let me state this too:
you know it already; somewhere deep down, you know it and i'm merely stating it, okay? not because i need to show you i know this but because you might want to listen to this, probably need to

The people you think of while thinking about peace? Your peace are not the people. Your peace is that feeling they give you; most of the times they're not even trying. They just exist and you feel peace with them. That's the beauty of the bond. I so very much like the realization of how precious bonds we're able to make. In case, you can't think of any such bond, I hope the universe would be kind enough to you and give you at least one person who can give you the peace you need to feel. On an extra note, I'd hope that person stays with you.

Next thing I want to say to people reading this:
You're doing great. Don't worry. You'll reach there.
It's probably just me but I feel most of us ain't physically doing well. 
mentally how well we are doing, we know; hehe, let's come to physical health for once

If you haven't taken medicine in the last month, this paragraph is not for you. Oh, first of all, congratulations on that. Now, those who are on some or the other medicine, stay here please. First of all, whatever you're taking medicine for, is it something which wouldn't have happened to you if you were avoiding something? Probably or probably not. Not really an important question at this point. 
Important question is: 
Are you willing to do something to get healthy and not just cure this one thing or two? 
No, don't tell me about your oh-so-busy schedule. I didn't ask, would you do this or not. I've asked: are you willing to do! Difference, right?

Try spending some of the time in looking for the type of yoga, exercises, food, essential oils, accessories and so on, to make your life better as well as yourself healthier. It's completely okay if you don't start everything tomorrow itself or even in a week. But surround yourself with the knowledge of what would make you better. 

Here, I'll give you an example. Suppose you searched for a symptom and it says apple would help you getting better. Next time, you'll have apple, you'd definitely take an extra slice of it. If it says, a certain type of salads are important for reducing some xyz pain, then next time you'll have that portion of salads more in your plate.
Fun fact? You'd do this subconsciously. Do you know your body already craves or does things which are better for you? This human body is made to heal itself. Just spend some time with the knowledgeable things related to your health and it will automatically lead you towards a healthy path once it sniffs such a path nearby.
if you can scroll through hundreds of random reels, you sure can scroll through at least five informative reels; once you find something good enough again and again, you'll search it, i believe in you

Now, some very important reminder for you.
The people who are treating you well are good. Appreciate them. Enough that they feel appreciated.
Appreciate them for the acts they're doing for you and for the words they're using for you. Don't appreciate them because you feel nobody else can do this.
Yes, few things are special. Only a few of us do this for only a few of us. But, keep your eyes open for what's basic and what's special. Don't beg for someone to stay in your life who's doing basic. Try to keep them. Have conversations. Do some basic and special things for them. But, don't you dare beg anyone to stay in your life when all they're doing is some basic human behavior.

Now, reading this feels silly. It's like: yeah, i know that, of course; why would someone even beg for someone to stay who's doing basic stuff?
I'm reminding you this because after years of being mistreated, disrespected, not having someone to listen to you and being not-happy as your neutral state; anybody can feel the basic things done for you as special. It's not your fault.
Just be aware of it. Be aware that if someone's respecting you when you're just a stranger to them, they can respect you even after knowing you. If they can't respect you then, they should leave. If they're not respecting you and still staying with you, you should leave. 
Respecting someone in all kinds of relationships is basic. Appreciate people who respect you, yes. But you don't owe them anything other than respect.

Lastly, don't forget. You deserve your own respect too, darling.
In case you don't feel deserving, do something about it. You're capable of everything you want to achieve, okay?

Smileeeeeee, honey.
~Miss V


  1. You always make me feel peace. All my love


  2. Everything was commendable and written very well but I wanna know your’s definition of peace ..? I feel it must be different for different souls . Lot of respect to you miss V


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