
Guests You Don't Wanna Let Go

Hellooooo, people. This is a rare piece. It’s an early morning write-up. Whatever you have ever read, almost everything was an evening or night write-up or just woke up from a nightmare kind of write-ups or poems. Once the day passes and the time to go to bed gets closer, the emotions get stacked up high. not sure if that’s just me though The way everything replays in your head – everything that has happened in the day – until you are lying down on the bed. For someone like me, who feels so much, I’m more expressive during my night conversations. And oh gawd! Don’t get me started on when the layer of filters between my mind and tongue starts fading away as I get sleepy. those who have had sleepy conversations would know, rest of you can just imagine this to be a more honest version of a person but more adorable than they usually are Still can’t believe that it’s a morning write-up. And if I’m not gonna write about the emotions I have collected in the whole day, then what am I going to

My Vulnerable Heart Is Screaming

  “I believe in poems as I do in haunted houses. We say, someone must have died here.” ~Rosa Alcalá Hellooooo, people. I was determined to write a write-up which would be the conclusions of how to deal when things you don't deserve happen to you. I even had those things in my head so ready. I hadn't figured the words I'll speak in but I remember being glad about having something positive to write instead of expressing the grief I was in. I thought I was doing okay now. But guess what? Not only I have realized that I never really got the positive words in my head – it was a fleeting moment of clarity – but I also realised that the grief I thought would fade, is actually much deeper than I myself realize. If you feel alright when you're alone but get uneasy around the people who hurt you, then you're not really alright. And, when people who hurt you are the people who you've not chosen yourself, being alright gets even harder because you cannot really “take your t

All I've Ever Wished For

Hellooooo, You. referring to the person who I feel will be my love The people who are reading this and if you know you’re not going to be my love forever , you might feel like a third wheel, but but, please stay. Because, I haven’t met my “You” yet and I seriously need someone to listen. hey, you, if you’re reading this, after a few months or years, please know that i wrote this piece just to get this feeling to you Let’s start from the story of how you became “You” and not some “My cutie”, “My sweet pie” or whatever names people call their loved ones by. Some of the people call their future partner as “Mr/Ms. Perfect” but I don’t want a perfect guy. Whoever I’ll love and feel loved with, is going to be a person of his own kind, just one. And, how could you name someone who already has a name, without knowing them. Since I don’t know his name yet, I’m just going to call him “Mr. You.”  My Mr. You. In the very start – 4 years ago probably? – I used to think of my future partner as My Mr

How Many Feelings Can You Name?

Hellooooo, people. Let’s talk about the minute feelings which haven't been given a single word yet to describe them fully. Let’s put them somewhere. Let me write and make you feel that if you relate to this in any way, you’re not alone.  There are a lot of feelings in this world and yet the first ones which come to our minds are: Happiness, sadness, anger, satisfaction, anxiety, awkwardness, calm, confusion, pain, fear, relief, romance, surprise, excitement. Even the ones I just mentioned weren’t the ones you remembered immediately.  i’m right, ain’t i? We all have experienced those moments where when even we have someone who would listen to us and understand, we go like, “I don’t know how to express.” or “I don’t have words to tell you what I’m feeling.” There should have been more words. More sentences. no more feelings though; ain’t we already so filled of them? or is it just me being an extreme empath, feeling my emotions as well as of everyone else’s around me? Imagine this pe

Our Oh-So-Brittle Hearts

Hellooooo, people. Such a long break it was, wasn't it? I had been thinking about what to write after such a long time. After stumbling upon a lot of topics, I'm finally going on a whim. Today's topic? It's my current feel in which I'm writing this: How oh-so-brittle our hearts are! You can act all strong and brave in front of the whole world but deep down, there's someone in your heart as well for whom your heart feels squeezed if someone hurts them.  Just by the thought of them getting hurt, causes uttermost pain in your soul. You begin to question everything in your life if they happen to be absent for some time. oh for those who don't have anyone right now, you did have someone in the past there's a past for you too, darling you might not have let anybody in your heart lately but that's probably because you couldn't let go of the one who came in there earlier, isn't it? I couldn't find the name of the person who wrote this, but I foun

Have We Started Prioritizing Our Peace Yet?

Hellooooo, people. Today's write-up is going to be for the young people, especially. But, as we, you and me, at this age as well, ain't doing as fine as we thought we would, this might be for you too.  Let's begin with a sweet quote:- "Night air, good conversation, and a sky full of stars can heal almost any wound." ~Beau Taplin, Remedy We all are struggling, ain't we? Some of us less and some of us more. But, we are. What do we crave the most? A person to talk to? Someone who would just listen? Quality time with ourselves? An off-day? A few moments with someone you're missing a lot? The pending meetups you've been planning for months --or even years?  At the end of the day, all we want is peace.  How do you achieve that peace is the question you should be looking the answer to. It needn't be one answer. It needn't be the answer that would give you peace. wait, what did i say? let me unwrap this layered sentence So, suppose you're with this

To Everyone Who Is Around Kids

Hellooooo, people. We all have heard that parents get to know when their child is in love or more specifically, mothers get to know their daughter is in love and fathers their son. But, if that’s true, then how do they not know when child is suffering? Oh yeah, hold on. They just don’t come forward with that revelation. They've to immediately stop a teenager for committing the sin of being in love but stopping the suffering isn't urgent so they let it be. PS: I ain't writing the terms like "Indian middle class parents" or "Asian families" or "Brown people" and so on. You'd know which specific category of people I'm talking about by just the terms "few" and "some". Some – or say most of the – parents have their way of saying sorry in the phrases like, “I made your favorite dish”, “Come on, let’s go for a walk”, “I got you chocolates” and so on. But do we ever get to know what are they sorry for? I don’t think so. And,