Do You Believe In Their Appreciation?

Helloooooo, people.

You know? I read one of my write-ups just now and damn. 
oops, from the start

Actually, I was having this one word conversation with a friend with whom I'm used to these wonderful conversations. At a point, I just wanted to say something to cheer him up. I didn't have anything to "say" exactly because I already knew what he would say and I wouldn't be able to debate because apparently, I agree already. 
that's the thing with the people you know; you know their whole situation and you know where you both are stuck in a conversation; you say this, they say that and it all comes down to that one point where you started from

So, I knew that nothing I say would really be effective right now. Afterall, there are conversations which you save for later, to get done on call and not over chat.
And at this point, where the one word conversation was going to turn into complete silence --which would suck for both of us-- I asked him if he wants to go through that blog of mine "Do You Miss Your Old Self?" and reminded him that there's a cloth reference in it.
I wanted to tell him the cloth reference thing again but not in a conversation, rather in his private moment.
And he was like: Okay, I'll see.
After sometime, when I felt --my intuition thing, really-- he might be reading it, I thought to open that BlogPost myself to know what exactly he would read.
i needed to know my exact words

And just when I was on a part where I was glad that this is exactly what he would need, a notification popped up on the top bar of my phone where he pasted that exact part in quotes --i just know what he would need at this moment-- and I completed reading the whole thing and went to his chat where he was like: I think I'll do something.
The relief I got on reading "I'll get to some work now" after reading "I don't wanna do anything" hours ago, was so good. 
And, I still can't believe that I wrote something which lifted up someone's mood.

I know you all say how my words lift up your mood, make you smile, motivate you, make you feel better and just do so many things. I say thanks to all of you. I thank you now too.
It's just, you know, difficult to keep in mind or say, to believe that I really can do that. 
Like, wow. My words? does something good to you? MY WORDS?

For me, it's just me writing whatever I have on my mind and you all appreciate it like I'm doing wonders here.
But, you all appreciate me so much on my words, thoughts, the way my mind works and just on so many other things, that it's hard to forget the appreciation.

First of all, thankyou so much, darlings. I appreciate you for reading.
Coming to why did I tell you all this.
two reasons

First: When someone appreciates you for something, take it. 
Yes, you can do that 'oh no no, nothing like that' thing but, that's just for being generous. Don't do this 'oh, no no, it's nothing' thing with yourself
Somebody just appreciated you, take it. Keep it in your mind. Believe in it. Whenever you do that thing again, know that you were appreciated before for this, you can do this again and get appreciated again --not necessarily by the same person but others-- and that's how you get better.

I ain't saying do what you love for appreciation. What I'm saying is: know that you were appreciated for this thing and now, you can believe a bit more in yourself. Whenever you want to stop doing something you like --just because you're on a low confidence-- that's the point where appreciation plays its role. Remind yourself of the appreciation you got for it. Remind yourself you liked doing this, you do this well --so well that you got appreciated-- and remind yourself that you can't stop doing something you like doing, due to some xyz reason.

If you like something, keep at it. Don't punish yourself by giving up on things you love doing.
Example? You know I like to write; love to. I get appreciation for it.
If I tell you one day, I gave up writing, what do you think how happy I'll be on it?
Or even better question, in any crisis of my life, would you ever recommend me to stop writing?

Second reason why did I tell you that:
Now you know that, me not giving up on my writing is not just because I love writing. I don't know when but at some point, "you all appreciate me for my words" has become the most important reason for me to keep writing. The reason "I love to do it" is important too but that comes second in my mind.

So, it's not just people's passion to keep them going on their journey. Appreciation plays a great role. A lot, really. Think of it this way: you love doing something, you show your art to people and imagine getting nothing in return.
No compliments, no awards on stage, nothing.
Would you keep doing it? 
if you can say yes on this, don't you dare lose that passion, 'cause the passion you've for still saying yes is absolutely great, you're amazing at it, okay? 
not that you'd need it but just saying

Would you still do things you like --sing, dance, write, read, draw, etc.-- if you get nobody's recognition?
It's not just about appreciation. When you travel, people wouldn't "appreciate" you but they'll emphasize on the fact that you travel.
And that's all what we need sometimes. Recognition.

Your appreciation, recognition, emphasis on someone's work is always worth it. You've no idea how many times a stranger's words have helped other strangers not to give up.
So the second thing is: Appreciate. Recognize. Emphasize. Anything you like.

There are a lot of things you can learn to get a control on. But whenever you have a good thought about someone's art, don't control.
Maybe the person went through something and decided it to be their last art work; your few words of appreciation can do wonders. 
You never know what people are going through even if you feel you know them. So, appreciate when you want to.
Sometimes, appreciation can save someone's life. 

Remember when people appreciate you, okay? Keep those words. Believe them. They're yours.
And just to remind you, I'll say it for you:
You're adorable and can achieve anything that your pretty heart wishes to. 

~Miss V


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