An Announcement From Miss V

Hellooooo, people.
Happy New Year, yayyyy. It's 2023!
uh, what happened?
Am I late?
I don't think so. It's still 2023.
oh, you've lost your enthusiasm? already?

Last time, I wrote the new year write-up on 1st Jan --the only odd date I've posted on-- and told you about "So What It's The New Year?"
This time, I thought to let you enjoy the way you do your new years and knock when you get used to this year.
Just to remind you that this is a NEW year; you might have wanted to change a few things and remove a few too. So, consider this as a reminder of the feels you had on modifying you and your life.
Coming to today's topic.
that wasn't today's topic; ain't gonna lecture you, hehe

Today's topic is neither the one which I was asked to nor the one someone induced in my mind.
This is the write-up which I wanted to write. Things which I wanna tell you.
I've an announcement to make, that is, I'm working on a novel.
there, i said it; finally

I've been in a dilemma whether I should tell you and let you know about the process stage by stage or give you a surprise when it's published. Literally made a table of pros and cons in my mind. But at the end, I just chose what I wanted to do and there you go. Now, you know I'm working on a novel.
I had started thinking about it towards 2021 end and started writing the chapters around March-April 2022. It went on a pause once the college got a little too hectic --so much so that even writing blogs caught a low speed-- so, recently, I've took up my novel again. Now, what I wanna tell you in this write-up is how a writer's mind goes through a roller coaster ride. 
not all of it in this blog; this one might have just a small percentage of all the things i wanna tell you

First of all, getting back on an incomplete draft (of a small write-up/blog) is very difficult. Taking up an incomplete novel required a hell lot of courage and confidence.
Even though I knew every moment of all the chapters I had written, reading previously written chapters was a MUST 'cause the need to know how much I've revealed and how many questions I've left unanswered and in suspense is a big requirement again.

You might know what struggles are involved in a novel writing, song composing or a movie making. So, I'm gonna tell you about the things which are in the front of my head these days.

I'm stuck with a question. Are people attracted towards dark stories or is it just me?
The answer can't be generalised, I guess. Because, I know people who appreciate my dark poems and love my positive write-ups as well. Looking at their compliments, no one can decipher if they want more positive stuff or darker poems.
So, that question is done, I guess.

I'm putting up a situation here, if you could, let me know what would you choose.
i'm writing it in terms of novel, but if you're not a novel person, think it in terms of movie; consider the last chapter of the novel as the last scene of the movie

Time to imagine, people.
i'm gonna talk in metaphor, the text ahead has absolutely zero connection with the image you're gonna have in your head

There's this story whose main character is obsessed with cigarettes. The story goes on with its storyline and in the process, the readers/viewers are shown how much this character is addicted to cigarettes. When the novel progresses, someone makes the character aware of how badly he's addicted and the rest of the story deals with the struggles of getting rid of cigarettes.
question incoming

Now, the story is in its climax and focuses on the main storyline while making the readers forget about the cigarette thing. In the last few chapters, the character is shown as if he has got rid of cigarettes and is finally in control of his urges.
NOW, here are the two cases, in which you have to choose which one makes more sense to you. Which story is more fascinating to know?

The readers know at the last chapter that the character has finally resolved his issue of obsession with cigarettes. This character is sitting in the passenger seat with his best friend. This last chapter shows a conversation between these two giving the closures for the readers, answering the unanswered questions and so on.

Situation I: When the character steps out of the car, the car goes far away. The camera focuses on the character's back walking far from the screen. He takes out a pack of cigarette out of his pocket, looks at it for a good long moment and throws it away.

This situation shows you that obsessions and addictions can be dealt with. When you go through so many things (in terms of ups and downs of the storyline), you become so strong that even the strongest addiction can become weak to you and gradually mean nothing to you.

Situation II: When the character steps out of the car, the car goes far away. The camera focuses on the character's back walking far from the screen. He takes out a pack of cigarette out of his pocket, looks at it, takes a cigarette out of it, keeps the packet inside the pocket. A light flicks from the lighter. He lights up the cigarette. The smoke appears. The character walks away and there, the scene ends.

This situation shows you that obsessions can be dealt with, but to a particular point. It can seem like it's gone, the addiction isn't strong anymore but when you go through so many things (in terms of ups and downs of the storyline), you cling back to the only thing you had before all the happenings/mishappenings. You might have become so strong that even the strongest addiction can become weak to you but gradually when you start missing your old self, you go to the things that meant a lot to your old self. And, few habits/obsessions/addictions are engraved so deep in you that you might stay away from those for sometime but eventually they come back.

Now, here's the question for you. 
Which situation goes with your choice of interest?
you can comment below 'situation I' or 'situation II' or anything you might wanna

~Miss V


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