
Showing posts from November, 2021

Is It Okay To Feel This?

"Romeo save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel" ~Taylor Swift, Love Story I saw that written on an Instagram post -- yes, I've listened the song too -- and all I had in my mind after reading that was what I wrote in comments. My comment was:- are we really trying to get saved from people telling us how to feel or is it.. we crave to get saved from our own selves for we might unintentionally start feeling the way they want us to? You know, there's a lot wrong going on in this world. We don't feel every single wrong thing in the world every single day but few wrong things hit us more frequently than rest of the other wrong ones.  An unprivileged girl might feel patriarchy a lot -- that is, if she's privileged enough to know atleast about patriarchy -- a labour might feel the expense things a lot more than others, old people might feel the lack of culture and manners maybe, LGBTQ+ people might feel the wrong they've against them in the world and co

What Matters To You The Most?

Hello, people. okay, no, wait, lemme do it again Helloooooooo, people. better Straight to the point today: I have a question.  nothing new, right? can't help it; i've so many The question is: how do some stories -- be it in movies or books or anywhere -- feel slow and few feel so interesting and attractive in just five minutes? How do you know reading the first page of a book or watching trailer of a movie that you want to know more about the story? And, now, I KNOW I said I have 'a' question but can't help it. Here's another one too:- While you're in the middle of a story -- reading or watching -- you sometimes feel that it's going very slow, don't you? if something interesting is going on, you don't care about speed, you're immersed in the story and not how it's narrated to you What's the difference between these types?  One in which you feel it's slow, another you don't question on. One which pulls you into the story, anoth

Very Mature Or Not Insecure Enough?

Hello, people. Before starting today I want to express something so I'll just be done with that, first, yes? I miss someone and it's paining. And just so I could feel that I really spoke it out, I am actually converting my voice to texts and I don't know if I should be thankful or sad that the emotion in my voice isn't getting coated over my texts. These texts look just as any other texts would. Well the technology isn't really updated and I feel it's working for me right now because I wouldn't want you to know that I am almost crying. Missing someone too much isn't a desirable feeling, really.  especially when you've already had your last conversation with them; the very last So let's get started today. wait, i didn't plan to speak that out, gawd I thought I would say that I miss someone and will continue with the topic I had in my mind but now that I've said more than I intended to, I guess I'll just choose a different topic which h

What Is It For Me?

I watched a movie. It's kind of a habit of mine -- good or whateve r-- to not tell names but it's a habit. I could be telling you all about a particular movie, a book or a person and you wouldn't know the name of it. Like, okay, suppose you guess the movie or book, it works for me. But, interesting thing about not telling you a person's name is that you could be meeting this friend of mine for the first time and you wouldn't have even a single idea that it's this person who gave me their number the other day or it's this human who still gives me nightmares. Considering the same scene, if I'd have told you the name of this person and their whole story, then, the moment you handshake with this person and exchange each other's names, you'd have all those flashbacks of the story I told you where your mind would replace the blank face with the face of this person. And there's no way you're gonna treat this person the way you'd have treated

Am I Validating The Wrong Things?

I started writing a BlogPost a few days back. It's not this one. I had started another one after that, it's incomplete. Did another; left in middle. Wrote another but it got coated with a layer of my dark side, so immediately pressed back on that too. it's saved though; automatic save remains on, by default on some apps all of them are saved But then, drafts are to be made and not to go back to. If I'm going in my drafts, I ain't returning in the same mood.  You all have such places, yes? The places where you go in one mood and comes back in another, most of the times. Notes app? Someone's chat? A folder in gallery? Call recordings? Hidden screenshots? not speaking more; i don't plan to expose or give you more ideas for more such possible places I was wondering if I could share something with you, from my this mood-changing place. okay, i myself didn't know i'd say this but let's go with the no backspace rule Okay, let me tell you just about this